Tuesday, June 17, 2008

You Can't Be One of Those Alcoholic Fags...

...if you're in denial. Anyway...


Anonymous said...

omg lmfao @ the cartoon ha ha ha

Tom PM said...

trying to tell us something with the cartoon and the grammatical butchery in your post title, dear?

sry swedie pi turned out to be a dud... <3

Anonymous said...

too bad cause I hear AA meetings are a great place to meet guys.

Mark in DE said...

LOL at the cartoon! And you know you can't tell someone in denial that they're an alcoholic because they'll just say it isn't true.

Mark :-)

Anonymous said...

Look, I come to this site for dating stories, ok? Not Cathy comics.

And listen Ann Landers - I'd rather you spend quality posting time on You and not some sniveling youngster.



Anonymous said...

"...What the fuck?" at Anonymous.^^

Anonymous said...

who's the sniveling youngster?

I think anon was having a bad day, either that, or he doesnt like being called a drunk?

Anonymous said...

You are crying out for help on your blog. The cartoon you posted today is just the latest and most obvious yelp. If you're hoping to hit rock bottom and then write a memoir, it's been done. It's called "Dry" by Augusten Burroughs. So maybe ease up, honey, and get some help.

NPBPB said...

Dana X, who the heck are you? We boys can take care of our own, even if they are a little vodka-logged and bleary eyed. Don't scare us!