Monday, June 23, 2008

FAG POLE: Are you one of those Fags who would get down on your knees and ask your partner, "Will you marry me ... in California?"

44% of You said, "Yes! But mostly so we can register for gifts at Restoration Hardware and vacation in Palm Springs."

27% of You said, "Marriage? Please! I can't even keep a boyfriend longer than a season of Project Runway."

23% of You said, "Maybe. But my boyfriend better be the one getting down on his knees. And the ring better be big enough for me to say yes."

5% of You said, "No way! Marriage is for Breeders. And when I decide to kick my freeloading boyfriend to the curb I don't want to have to pay alimony!"

Number of Fags Who Voted: 77

This Poll is dedicated to California Shane and his Fiancé who are engaged to be married in early October! Congratulations and, of course, LMFAO! ;-)

IMPORTANT: Governor Patterson has said that NY will recognize same-sex marriages from other states and countries. He's doing a poll on whether people support it. Take 15 seconds to lodge your support... Call 1-518-474-8390. You will talk to a live person from the Governor's office during business hours and you can leave a phone message after that. Simply say "I support the Governor's directive on same sex marriage," then give them your 5 digit (New York) zip code!

1 comment:

Shane said...

ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

omg I fucking love you <3<3 lol