Sunday, June 15, 2008

FAG POLE: What will you be running out to buy for the 2008 Summer Swimsuit Competition?

45% of You said, "Four inch Board Shorts! I'm a Sensible Shopper and I can wear these on Fire Island or at my Cousin's Pool Party in Greenwich."

32% of You said, "Eight inch Board Shorts! I like to let my boys Hang Loose!"

12% of You said, "Snap Shorts! I'm all about the Easy Access, baby!"

9% of You said, "A Speedo! I worked all winter for this ass, and now I'm gonna let it work for me!"

Number of Fags Who Voted: 31

Check out all these cute suits and more at the Gay Bathing Suit Mecca better known as Parke & Ronen! Or leave a comment with a link to your favorite nylon place to hang your boys this summer!


Anonymous said...

45% are sensible shoppers?

thank fucking god Im not going to fire island. apparently the prudes are there, and the hung, worked out shoppers are in Palm Springs.

very very very dissapointed boys :(

NPBPB said...

Shane, was just did the F.I. thing this weekend and I can assure you there is no shortage of the hung or the worked out. Or tighty bathing suits strutting along the surf. (Or in the grocery store for that matter).

Not to start a tiff, but I might add that on the East Coast while we are not averse to showing a little thigh via speedo-esque bathying suits, a) it's a bit chilly out here still and b) we are possibly more reserved than our West Coast brethren. In other words, you Palm Springs and LA boys do it a bit differently out there..

Last thing to add, the poll respondants could be writing in from anywhere, especially square states which I assume don't know what square cuts are.

Anonymous said...

Npbpb, I don't believe you....I demand you send me pictures lol

p.s. I was drunk last night, pay no attention to any posts I made between the hours of 1pm -11pm pacific time. lmfao

Anonymous said...

*pointing up* Mess.

npbpb, good to see you found your password!

And btw, I'm not giving You any of my top(/vers)-secret sources for swimwear. The last thing I need is to show up on the beach with 4 other queens sporting my threads. Is it bad that I tell all my new NYC friends to shop at Universal Gear? Oops.

NPBPB said...

Does any here remember Raymond Drago on 7th Avenue? Of course not, because apparently everyone is 23. But I'm not bitter!

Drunken posts are wicked. Drunken banter at Low Tea is even worse. I think I said some bad, bad things.

Did I?

Anonymous said...

npbpb, idk if you include Texas in your "fly-over" attitude critique of "square states," but i can guarantee you we know what square cuts are, and i'm happy to tell you the suit i rocked at First Splash wouldn't even qualify as half of a square cut! O:)

Mark in DE said...

Call me square, but I have no intention of spending $85. on a square cut swim suit from Parke & Ronen. Do you know how many cocktails I can buy with $85.???

Mark :-)

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Mark, even though the swimsuits at Parke & Ronen are pretty sass. I'll stick with Speedo brand - cute but still affordable.

Jesse Archer said...

Ironically, I just coughed up $85 at Park & Ronen today!! And it was for a pair of 4 inch snap button square cuts. I KNOW!
But the difference is my snap is just a decoy, it doesn't really work, so I just have to shimmy them off entirely if I have to, er, pee.