Saturday, June 21, 2008

ASK YOURSELF: You're Not One of Those Fags Who Plays Footsie on the Subway... why is it that Straight Guys are always spreading their legs as wide as a Whore in Labor, while rubbing their knees up against yours?

Why on earth do You think this is?

Please answer by commenting to this post (see link below) so all of us can get to the bottom of this horrible gay injustice!

Here's what some of You have been saying:

Shane said...
Because its so freakin [hot] on the subway, their balls are stuck to their leg, so they spread em to air em out. this would be my guess. June 22, 2008 10:14 AM

Jesse Archer said...
Breeders want to take up as much space as possible. A bigger spread attracts a more fertile female. I'm sure it's all very darwinian. Hence the reason I always cross my legs. June 22, 2008 11:41 AM


Shane said...

Because its so freakin on on the subway, their balls are stuck to their leg, so they spread em to air em out.

this would be my guess

Jesse Archer said...

Breeders want to take up as much space as possible. A bigger spread attracts a more fertile female. I'm sure it's all very darwinian.

Hence the reason I always cross my legs.

Mark in DE said...

Straight guys judge their manliness by how wide they can spread their legs when they sit down. Thus it is practically unavoidable that their knees will brush against ours.

Mark :-)

Anonymous said...

When this happens I just tell myself that I such a hot gay that this straight boy is into me even though he is straight