Friday, October 10, 2008

You're Not One of Those Fags Who Disappears Without a Trace...

...GPS is never even required because usually there's just a sloppy trail of martini olives that end up giving away your current location. However, today is another beautiful beach day on Fire Guyland so your olive trail ends smack in the middle of Beach Hill. You're sitting in the most ridiculous contraption that looks more like a sex sling than a beach chair only it's less comfortable. Luckily you get a very sweet, yet very misspelled text message from the Daytripping Freeloader which takes your mind off of your beach sling, "Thnx for an icredible evening. I miss your kisses and eyes already." The two of you end up texting back and forth about meeting one last time before he hops on the Fairy Ferry to head back to Boston, but you are tired and a bit cranky after sharing a twin sized bed with a grown man who snored, and the idea of rushing off the gorgeous beach is not your number one choice. But you agree to meet your new pothead friend at (ironically) 4:20 so you can have some quality time before the 5pm ferry.

All of your housemates, the entire Kinsey 8, are leaving the island today also so they can head back to civilization. Unfortunately, you are between apartments so you need to stay the entire week, which, quite honestly, is creating havoc on your liver. You're definitely ready to vote yourself off the island, but you'd much rather be homeless in The Pines than in The Rambles.

When your stomach needs something more nourishing than the lime garnishing your Corona Light, you run home to make sandwiches for everybody. However, your vegetarian friend, Fat Albert, places a special order and informs you that he'd like a grilled cheese. You stare at him for an incredulous moment before saying, "I'm not cooking." But he goes on to explain how simple it would be to find some Gruyere and lightly butter two halves of some French bread and lightly fry it, not too much though, because Fat Albert doesn't want his sandwich to be burnt. You are like, "What part of 'I'm not cooking' did you not understand?" and then you head back to the house. Even though there's nothing left-over but kitchen scraps, somehow you pull a Jesus on the Mount and miraculously turn the water into wine, and make enough turkey and cheese sandwiches for everybody but the vegetarian. However, since there's no bread left, you decide to bring Fat Albert some delicious left-over fish casserole which he made last night, and you head back to the beach.

You dole out the sandwiches and Fat Albert is not happy. Although you thought you were being extremely clear, for some reason he really actually thought you were really actually going to cook him up a grilled cheese. Really actually! Fat Albert seems so upset that he doesn't even eat the fish casserole and ends up giving you the silent treatment until it's time for you to leave to meet the Daytripping Freeloader at the Bay Bar. Needless to say, you don't mind excusing yourself from the awkward situation at this point.

You find the Daytripping Freeloader standing on the dock with his luggage and his street clothes and you give him a big kiss hello before your hungover ass grabs a table and orders *gasp* a soda water. It's has an odd taste without the vodka, yet somehow you're able to gag it down. The Daytripping Freeloader immediately gets down to business and catches you off guard with, "Where is this going to go?" and by 'this' he actually means 'relationship.' His question is as equally refreshing as it is off-putting. Seriously. How are you supposed to answer a question like that? You can't predict the future. But you can tell the truth. And you fear that you have met your match as you say, "I really have no idea. But I have two concerns. Number one, we live in different cities. And number two, you are six months out of a seven year relationship." You let your words sit there on the steel-mesh table as you wonder whether the Daytripping Freeloader's great intensity for you seems to be screaming "rebound," which has the direct effect of making your intensity much lower and much more wary.

However, the Daytripping Freeloader doesn't seem to be particularly concerned with either of your issues and he easily dismisses them with a simple, "This can go wherever we want it to go." But then he adds, "Unless you're going to be one of those guys who just disappears." You just sit there stunned, sipping your vodka-less soda while you wonder if you have actually met the one guy in the gay YOUniverse who happens to be even more conversationally direct than you? You immediately promise that you won't disappear, and you mean it. It's not like you haven't ever done the vanishing act before, but regardless of where this situation is headed, it suddenly seems worthy of truthful explanations.

That's when the Fairy Ferry arrives and the Daytripping Freeloader gathers his things together and asks for a kiss. Although you're not typically a big fan of P.D.A.'s (especially sober ones), you lean in toward his scruffy face and he kisses you so well that you actually lose yourself for a moment. The kiss is so damn good that, if you were standing your knees would give out. When he pulls away you end up pulling him right back into another kiss. You want more. You want that damn ferry to go away. You want everything to just stop so you can lose yourself in another kiss. The only thing that you are absolutely sure of at this very moment is that you will definitely see him again. Eventually you walk the Daytripping Freeloader over to the loading dock and watch him as he gets onto the boat. You end up staying and watch the ferry until it disappears into the horizon on it's way back to civilization. Anyway...


Anonymous said...

Awww... ya could have made the vegetarian a damn grilled cheese! Haha. Sorry... us vegetarians have to stick together ;)

Anonymous said...

Why would Fat Albert want a fish casserole (blech) if he is a vegetarian?

Anonymous said...

Oooh, hi ATL! I never meet gay veg guys! Glad to see you here!

Anonymous said...

Oooh, hi ATL! I never meet gay veg guys! Glad to see you here!

You said...

Fat Albert actually made the fish casserole! I guess he's more of a fishetarian than a vegetarian...

Tom PM said...

As an actual (a really actually) vegetarian, I hate it when pescatarians pretend to be veggie.

Now, on the subject of You... AWWWWW! That's so cute about you and Freeloader.

Could he be, dare I say it... The One?!

Anonymous said...

Ew, don't say "The One"... unless it's ironic. :-)

Anonymous said...

Agreed re: pescatarians pretending to be veg.

Not Yet Famous said...

Aww, this sounds promising!!! Cheers!

Michael said...

I am very glad that you've had such a nice couple of days with the daytrippingfreeloader. I know that you be relieved to actually meet someone who has boyfriend potential for a change. Good Luck! I can't wait for the next installment...

NPBPB said...

I really like the ending of this post because it's a classic tale of a handsome guy sailing off into the sunset, this time from the hyper idealized fire island (guy-land) after the kinds of kisses that make you blink and see dark/light spots. I love that it's between two guys and nobody bats an eyelash...that it'sd as natural as can be, which really is as it should be.

Who the f*ck cares about a sandwich?

NPBPB said...

I really like the ending of this post because it's a classic tale of a handsome guy sailing off into the sunset, this time from the hyper idealized fire island (guy-land) after the kinds of kisses that make you blink and see dark/light spots. I love that it's between two guys and nobody bats an eyelash...that it'sd as natural as can be, which really is as it should be.

Who the f*ck cares about a sandwich?

Anonymous said...

The Freeloader sounds deeelish (unlike the fish casserole). Can't wait to hear about your trip to Boston, and his weekend in NYC.

Anonymous said...



Nobody bats an eyelash because it happened on Fire Island and is written on a blog by a gay man with a readership of likely only gay men.

Who *would* bat an eyelash?

I do not understand your comment.

NPBPB said...

Hmmm, let me see if I can say it another way.

How great that You got a nice kiss and his man sailed off into the sunset. Too bad it had to be in the all gay enclave/ghetto of Fire Island, because if he had kissed another guy in public in say, Tallahassee Florida, he likely would have been beaten to a pulp.

Is that what I should have written the first go around?

Sheesh! You can't win. (Well You can..).

Mark in DE said...

If you're interested in seeing the Daytripping Freeloader again, then I suggest BoltBus. It goes btwn NYC and Boston for seriously cheap fares.

But I have to admit that he seems a little too forward for my taste.

Mark :-)

yet another black guy said...

Well this guy just got more interesting. Hopefully, he's as promising as he seems.