...hell, everything about your life is single, single, single! Seriously though, at twenty you came out to your parents after your college boyfriend dumped you (single, single, single!) and although you called them for emotional support, after you came out you wound up being the one who had to console your hysterical mother. But from that moment on, you've pretty much lived one single, single, single solitary life where everybody knows that you're a big ol' fag. However, what everybody doesn't know is that you're a big ol' fag with a Blah-Blah-Blog.
Some people do know. Your close friends. Their close friends. And so on. And so on. And so on. If you could do it over you wouldn't have told anybody. Not a soul. But now you live in fear that eventually you're going to hurt someone who you really care about. Like when you were dating Blonde Beard. To this day you're not sure if he dumped you because he found out about the online chronicle of your dating life. And honestly, this is probably why you can't seem to get over the hairy cheeked non-boyfriend. The idea that you might have jeopardized your chance at a meaningful relationship because of your narcissistic online endeavor is really just too much to process. Even three months after he left you crying your girlie little eyes out on the West 4th Street subway platform. Cue the violins and grab yourself a hankie. Anyway. Enough about Blonde Beard. Back to you and your relatively new brown beard. Tonight's a busy night. You've got a fancy birthday dinner with the BLC at Cipriani Dolci. In Grand Central Station of all places! And then if the BLC feels up to it, you've been invited to yet another birthday party for yet another Blah-Blah-Blogger who somehow figured out who you were. You have no idea how these Hardy Boys are solving the mystery of You!
As you're getting all dolled up for the fancy-schmancy dinner that you can't afford, you remember to check out Zee Blogger's evite to get the 411 on his birthday party. Although you've already changed at least six times, as you pop your head out from an old, yet dressy blue Armani shirt from your fancier days, you can't help but sigh when you realize that Zee Blogger is having a, get this, Pink Party. Ugh. You're already running late and, let's face it, unlike Molly Ringwald, you are not so Pretty in Pink. Eventually you decide that the Calvin Klein underwear you have on will have to do. Although it used to be white, you ruined it while washing it with a red towel while doing a free load of laundry out on Fire Island. Pink underwear is what you get for being cheap. But you digress. Even though you're running late, now that you're looking at Zee Blogger's invitation, you suddenly get curious about who's on the guest list. You are immediately thrilled to find your Internet Crush's name at the top of the list! Of course he's also figured out who you are, however you've never actually met and your cheeks instantly flush at the idea of meeting your favorite Gay Movie Star in person! It's all very exciting as you continue to scroll through the pages and pages of RSVP's (yes, Zee Blogger is that fabulous), but your heart literally stops on the third of five pages when you notice that, gasp, your Hobosexual Roommate's name on the fucking guest list! Suddenly you have this paralyzing fear that you'll run into him and the BLC boys will start calling him the Hobosexual to his face! Or worse, what if the Hobosexual asks Zee Blogger how exactly he knows you? If they have a conversation you know that it will inevitably contain the term "Hobosexual!" And if somehow neither of those doomsday scenarios play out, then surely your Internet Crush will out you after a few cocktails have been thrown down his neck. After all, you've read about his drunken shenanigans on his blog. Meanwhile, are there any gay boys who don't have a blog?

How can you not want people to not know your identity, but then you post pics of the Pink Party AND tell us what color shirt you are wearing. DOH! I mean, doesn't really apply to me, though, since I already know you're identity...
OMG! I'm breathless reading the story. I exactly remember how happy I was when I saw u at my bday. Since I figured out who you were. I was feeling guilty reading ur blog. You are a great writer, it is hard to quit you. You are my guilty pleasure everyday ( in a good way) Reading ur blog it is an addiction for me. I had no idea you were not comfortable at the party. Story is great though LOL. Now I have to write an story how I figured out who you were. Of course without names. Believe me! Ur secret is safe with me. Thank u for the great postings! They make me very happy. I know it is A LOT OF work.
Aww. It sucks that you missed your internet crush. But, definitely know about talking to only one person at a party. But generally that's because everybody else sucks. Just sayin'...
The party was great! And yes, your secret is safe with Z. I asked if "YOU" had arrived and he made me swear on the spot that when you arrived I would be sworn to secrecy about your identity.
And YOU really hate secrets, er, I hate to keep secrets. See--although we've yet to meet, I can't quit you either!
its been a while.
hope all is well.
I totally know what you mean. My blog got me in trouble with three guys. It was not pretty! But I love blogging too much to give it up. At least you give everyone nicknames.
And yes, all the gay boys have blogs nowadays.
Blogs are blogs and if people 'discover' themselves in an entry, they should just be adult about it and save the drama for their mama!
You were brave to go to the 'pink' party without (visibly) wearing pink.
Okay, so does EVERYBODY now know you You are but me?
Mark :-)
i think that havign a blog is sexy...but i guess you don't want everyone knowing who you are because then anyone who knows you may get mad if you mention them in the blog...but anyways. i like it.
You must be hurting so much inside, You
A Question:
Is it possible to fall for someone simply through their writing, considering you know nothing else of them?
Wow, either I'm unbelievably flattered, or I'm an unbelievable narcissist who assumes that you are talking about my writing... Probably a bit of both!
Unfortunately, I don't know the answer to your question. I'd like to think so.
AFter reading you blog for a while (thanks to you know who) I think the only person who could be mad with your comments is really the bald boy with the small pee-pee... I think anyone else in the blog should feel flattered that they actually mattered enought to even be featured in it! And by the way, I find your hobosexual stories quite funny!
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