...who thinks his pants are too fancy for Cherry Grove. However, you are definitely one of those lazy fags who rarely schleps his way through the Meat Rack in fear of losing his cheap pants on the way there. Actually you're kind of terrified of the Meat Rack, mostly because you know that if you found yourself in some dark, unsavory, sticky situation, you'd just wind up giggling like some nervous nelly and run out with your tail between your legs. You also prefer to actually see the people that you have sex with. Perhaps you're just a bit old fashioned in that way. But it's lunchtime and Rice Queen feels like a walk, so you, Rice Queen #3 and The San Francisco Treat decide to grab a bite in Cherry Grove. Luckily everybody's pants (all of which are much fancier than yours) stay completely buttoned as you pass through the mysterious Meat Rack.
When you woke up this morning at the ungodly hour of noon you instantly began to piece together the events of the previous evening before pulling your tired old ass out of bed . Although your memory is just as hazy and humid as today's weather, you unfortunately remember drunkenly agreeing to go to Aussie Bum's 29th birthday party at 2pm. Only you don't want to go. Although he was kind of cute, he really wasn't you're type. He was more than a bit too intense, more than a bit too young, and way more than a bit of an awful kisser. Even though you really don't want to send the wrong signals by going to Aussie Bum's party, you also hate going back on your word.
You poll your friends over lunch about how you should handle this Aussie Bum situation, and the general consensus is, "If you don't want to go to his party, then just blow it off." Although you know that this tact will send a very clear signal to Aussie Bum, you still feel lame about it. But that's when you receive a text from Aussie Bum that says, "Let me know if you are swinging by, if not, no stress. Cheers." The worst part comes when you notice that the timestamp reads 2:05pm. With all your lollygagging about whether or not you should go to his damn party, you are now officially five minutes late, not to mention more than a half-hour away. But during your past thirtysomething years in the YOUniverse, the one thing you've actually learned is to trust your actions more than your feelings. When it comes to your emotions, you're just a big ol' gurrrl who doesn't want to hurt Aussie Bum's feelings. But if you look closely at your actions, you obviously have no desire to go to his party. Hell, you've been hemming and hawwing all day, you've lost track of time, and now you are about as far away as you could physically be from Aussie Bum. As C + C Music Factory would say, "Things That Make You Go Hmmmmmmm." Obviously you just ain't that into Aussie Bum. So you text him back and say, "Hey. Im in cherry grove for lunch and not feeling so hot. If im feeling better maybe I'll see you @ tea. Happy Birthday!" To which Aussie Bum replies, "Yes, I imagine a lot of people on the. island feel not so hot today.Thanks for letting me know, enjoy the Grove..."
After a delicious lunch you all decide to take a peek in town before you head back, and of course you end up running into Baby Daddy who is, ironically, wearing nothing but an Aussie Bum bathing suit. Albeit last years '07 model, Baby Daddy is filling it out very nicely. His friends are also scantily clad and seem to be irritated as you stop them to say a simple hi and give Baby Daddy a kiss hello. You chit chat for approximately 2.2 sentences before Baby Daddy's friends say, "We have to go now," and drag him away rather rudely. Although it's weird, it's totally fine. The last time you saw him he was busy describing the romantic date he was going to take you on, and now he's too busy to say hello? It's not like he's wearing a Tuxedo and late for a wedding. He's in a skimpy Speedo! Even if he's late for the beach, it's totally overcast! Baby Daddy is an enigma wrapped in a riddle shoved into a fortune cookie sealed in cellophane that you have no desire to unwrap, let alone eat. Next!
The day progresses like any other on Fire Guyland. Beach Cocktails, Pool Cocktails, Low Tea Cocktails, High Tea Cocktails, Dinner with an overpriced bottle of cheap wine, a bit of after-dinner dancing on the dining room table in your underwear, and then, of course, it's off to Slip N' Hurl. Luckily at High Tea you ended up swiping an entire sleeve of Fire Island Pines cups from the bar when the bartender was busy ignoring you. With these special cups, not only do you have a wonderful To-Go cup for cocktailing along the boardwalk without being hassled by the police, but with these particular magical cups you can actually walk right into the overpriced bars because they assume you ordered the drinks from them! Not that you condone stealing, but come on! Would you convict a starving child who stole an apple from a bodega? Of course not. And this is the same exact principle.
As usual, upon arriving at Slip N' Hurl, it's everyman for himself and the Kinsey 8 quickly divides to conquer. You, of course, get sidetracked on the dance floor, but before you can even complete an entire Fruit Loop, your inner Elaine finds yourself flailing, or rather dancing, smack in front of Aussie Bum. You quickly ask, "How was your birthday party this afternoon?" and when he replies, "It didn't happen," you are equally confused and yet completely relieved. You can't imagine showing up to a party for someone you just weren't that into, where you were not only the sole guest, but his only present to boot! But Aussie Bum doesn't seem to care that his only guest was a no-show. Your attempt at a simple, trite conversation quickly segues into how Aussie Bum seems to think you are just the greatest thing since the invention of the Gay Bar. And come on, nobody's that great. Especially you. This boy barely knows you. You chatted yesterday. For a bit. Your signals of disinterest were pretty clear (except for the kissing part, of course). Hell, he doesn't have any clue about who you really are! The fact that he is so interested when he knows nothing about you is kind of a turn off. Perhaps he likes you because he thinks you're playing "Hard to Get," when in reality you are really playing "Impossible to Get"? Actually you're not playing at all. But then again, on the other hand, his enthusiasm for you makes you wonder if you might be turning into one of those boys who is only interested in boys who have no interest in you? Ugh.
Regardless, the conversation begins a downward spiral. Aussie Bum's intensity, coupled with his bad breath begin to singe your eyebrows. Even though you are practically mute, he begins bombard you with requests for dates when he returns from an upcoming business trip. But when you politely decline he becomes relentless. He begins explaining how you two got off to a rough start and that he wants to make it up to you. Suddenly you are aware that this boy, for some unknown reason, has completely romanticized you into someone who doesn't exist. Which is more than a bit disconcerting. Although you do believe in love at first sight (okay, lust), you also believe that it has to be a two-way street! And right now Aussie Bum is on a lovely, yet very private cul de sac. So before the conversation gets even more awkward, you decide to be as clear as possible in response to what seems to be escalating into an unsolicited marriage proposal. You say, "I don't think it's a good idea if we go out."
Your honesty, of course, backfires. Whoever said, "Honesty is the best policy," was definitely not gay. Anyway. Aussie Bum is now both slightly mad and probably more-than-slightly embarrassed. But he definitely heard you, so you decide to shut your big trap in order to let your words sink in. Aussie Bum actually begins to argue with you about why you should go out with him and you begin to get freaked out. Being a lawyer, Aussie Bum seems to think he can somehow sway your drunken jury. But his closing argument actually concludes with, "If you want me to go away and never come back, then just say so." How on earth did it suddenly get to this point? You just met this guy last night! Such drama! Unfortunately you realize that you have no other choice but to answer his question, so you say, "I think you should go." Aussie Bum stares at you for an endless, yet incredulous moment, and then he turns and disappears into the crowd at Slip N' Hurl. A sudden wave of relief takes over as you walk outside to find Rice Queen and fill him in on your latest drama.
But two seconds into your recap with Rice Queen you are tapped on the shoulder by none other than Aussie Bum! You are dumbfounded when this relative stranger asks you why you don't like him. Although you would usually say something like, "Does it matter why I don't like you?" but something about this boy is off. Very off. For some unknown reason he is a bit obsessed by yours truly, and images of boiled bunny rabbits begin to dance through your head. So you say as politely as possible, "You are really freaking me out!" Eventually Aussie Bum leaves, and this time you watch to make sure he leaves. At this point you are done. You want to leave immediately, but you ask Rice Queen to walk you home because you're actually freaked out that Aussie Bum might follow you and jump out of the bushes on your way home. On the walk back to Beach Hill Walk you receive a text from Aussie Bum: "Hey – I’m sorry. I’m terrible in siuch situations, but an eternal optimist. I may hit you up in a few weeks, hope I’m not so scary. I’m intense but do think you’re worth a touch of my dignity." Anyway...
Monday, September 29, 2008
You're Not One of Those Dignified Fags...
Posted by
8:03 PM
Your Labels: Aussie Bum, Baby Daddy, Rice Queen, Rice Queen #3, San Francisco Treat, Sip N' Twirl
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FA-reek show!
At first I was thinking the same thing - are you just turned off cuz he's interested... but eesh, that's a little creepy. Dude, you need to BACK the FUCK off.
Good luck next weekend, sweetie.
#1: Forget what I said. Run backwards from the Aussie Bum, covering your lady bits (and your ass) as fast as possible. Hell, get out your rape whistle! Red alert, boy, go for Operation Survival.
#2: I just saw my blog in your "Blogs You Heart" and I just died and went to gay blogger heaven. I'm fanning myself like a southern belle, you just can't see it.
Whoa Aussie Bum. I didn't realize he was so ridiculously obsessive. I feel like there is an Australian joke somewhere in all this mess that we're all missing...
Oh my. What a crazy lunatic! After all that he STILL has the nerve to text you about getting together. Sheesh!
Certain things should never have the current year stamped on them. "It's like an expiration date on your ass."
Same goes for screennames.
Seriously, blogger, you are the one who is the enigma wrapped in a riddle wrapped in tinfoil, etc. etc.
You are SUCH an amazing writer. You put your thoughts together so well, and it's train-wreck entertaining, and yet... your life seems so fucking meaningless and miserable.
I YEARN to find out that this is fiction, because I kind of want to know a writer who could pull off fiction like this, but I would never in a million years want to know someone like the protagonist of this blog.
(It's like that Martin Amis novel "Money." The main character is HIDEOUS, but the novel is so compelling you end up feeling empathy for him anyway.)
Please tell me you're the next Martin Amis, and this is not really your life.
You know, just when I start to feel all old and married and like I'm missing out on being young glamorous and single, I read things like this and remember a-way a-back a-when...
But I'd still like to be out, drunk and hit on.
Ehhww! I'm hating this Aussiebum already! Run away for your life!
Quick note to Andrew - I know plenty of well adjusted gay guys who live lives somewhat similar to You's life. We're all pretty happy and having loads of fun. You's antics really aren't that far fetched, I think you probably just live a boring and dull existence.
Hi, anonymous. You are entitled to your speculative opinion on my life, which you base on scant evidence.
My own opinion is that my life (generally) gets more fulfilling with every passing day, but not because I drink more or have more sex. Life, for me (I understand this isn't true for all), seems richer when I'm creatively stimulated, both on my own personal projects, and in collaboration with other creative/thinking/risk-taking/multi-faceted individuals.
I see that this blog's protagonist probably has it in him to be amazingly creative, and it's my belief that he will tap that easier with a little less drink and some stricter standards on his sex life (and a little less narcissism).
This will probably happen anyway, though. It's just that when it does, he'll lament the wasted time, so I'm suggesting to start sooner rather than later, to mitigate the eventual regret.
Clearly, this blog could turn into a book. Many publishers will no doubt be entranced by the sparkle of the writing. Still, it's probably not a "book" until there's a change. Books have pay-off. Blah-blah-(blah-blah-blah-blah) blogs just go on and on.
And that's fine for awhile, but mark my words, there will be a change. Because otherwise, I guarantee we won't all still be interested in reading about a drunk fortysomething, and then a drunk fiftysomething, and then a dead sixtysomething.
P.S. Unfortunately, Augusten Burroughs has already kind of got the reforming gay alcoholic genre covered with his memoir, "Dry."
Hi Andrew - this is anon writing back. You make some great points based on intelligent observation of both You's blog as well as your own many decades of living among shallow people and gays in NYC and beyond. In most cases I personally DON'T disagree with what keeps you (Andrew, not You) motivated, satisified and ultimately content. But that's just us, and we're not writing a blog with our own points of view - You is taking the time to do so, and we're guest readers.
I don't read alot of blogs - just don't have time for it nor the inclination - but what I gather is that blogs are the writers' own creations based on some proportion of reality. So maybe take this and other blogs with a large grain of salt.
Instead of people always asking this writer (You) to cut back on his drinking, have less sex, whatever - can't everyone just shut up and thank the writer for putting so much time and effort into entertaining us on a regular basis. FOR FREE. And beyond the entertainment, this blog has serious social anthropological value as a record of where the collective gay culture was in 07, 08 and hopefully 09. I am not the only reader who has found a few parrells to Miss Carrie Bradshaw circa 1999 (really Candace Bushnell circa 1990 but I digress). That era is gone but marginally well documented.
I suggest you read Faggots by Larry Kramer or Dancer from the Dance by Andrew Holleran as you may just be amazed at how little has changed in the NYC Gay scene/Fire Island since those books were published. And instead of people blasting You (Dana X, I am talking to you) for drinking, etc. - get a grip, get a grain of salt, and re-direct your efforts to making the world a better place for gay people so we don't rely on drinking and sex (and the gym, and real estate, and fashion, and whatever else people abuse) so much.
I don't mean to preach or defend, I just think in this Manhunt kind of world it's nice to read someone's account of actually going out there and doing things with friends, going on dates, being social, dealing with crappy NYC real estate, and otherwise (as far as I can tell based on me and my friends) living a real life and having a gay existence in 2008. It ain't easy honey. If you don't like it just go to another blog.
I'm with Anon (aka npbpb). This blog is not my life. Mine has never been like this. But I LOVE reading about it, especially when recounted by such an adept writer. You go You!
Gosh that was scary!
"...but do think you’re worth a touch of my dignity"????? Ex-CUSE me????
Run. Run fast.
Mark :-)
I heart NPBPB and Andrew! I love what both of you guys have to say. A well written debate.
As for YOU....I am proud that you did the unmentionable for the gays (being honest) when YOU said, "I don't think it's a good idea if we go out." You said exactly what needed to be said in a very polite and to the point way. It is not your fault that Aussie Bum went ape-shit on you. Next piece of advice...block his number.
BY THE WAY - who might these boys dancing on a table in their underwear be? Sporting some sunburn!
Why the frown?
What dignity was Aussie Bum referring to?!
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