Monday, September 22, 2008

What do you do when you get a Facebook Friend Request from, *gasp*, your Parents?

27% of You said, "I decline the friend request, because, after all, they're my parents, not my friends!"

25% of You said, "I sit my parents down and explain that they are much too old and frail to be on Facebook. And then I buy them a CB Radio to keep them busy. 10-40, Good Buddy!"

24% of You said, "I develop a Facebook app that censors everything that's not G-rated from going to my parents feed. Then I make a mint and retire."

13% of You said, "I accept the request, but immediately send out an email to all my friends and plead with them not to tag me in any more scandalous photos."

8% of You said, "I realize that Facebook has finally jumped the shark and immediately deactivate my account."

Number of Fags Who Voted: 86


Anonymous said...

Yipes! Boy am I glad my parents don't even know how to use the internet. LOL

Unknown said...

So what about us that are friends with our parents on facebook and don't censor things?