...but you do whole-heartedly believe in the medicinal powers of an old fashioned sleeping pill. Forget about all this Ambien and Xanex crap, you, my friend, prefer to follow in the footsteps of the Ghosts of Divas Past. After coming home, alone, after the dramatic subway platform ending of your three month relationship with Blonde Beard, you decide to treat yourself to thirty milligrams of forty-winks and you knock yourself out (like Judy and Marilyn would have) with one of your left over Restorils prescribed to help you survive a Red Eye on your recent ski trip to Chamonix.
The next day you wake up, extremely groggy, and you’re kind of thrilled about the gorgeous warm weather. You don’t have any plans, so, as you lay in the comfort of your comforting comforter, you start to think about how best to spend your Sunday. And that’s when it hits you. You suddenly remember last night. You remember Blonde Beard’s fortieth birthday dinner at Supper. Drinks at The Ritz. More drinks at Barrage. Then you remember that sentence. The one that caused you to forget everything else that was said before or after. Blonde Beard’s sentence that suddenly put everything into perspective for you and your three month relationship: “I just feel that, between work and school, that I’m spreading myself too thin.” You are shocked, but not because of Blonde Beard’s irritatingly lame break-up sentence. You are shocked, but not because that sentence ultimately caused you to confess your love on the West 4th Subway Platform before walking away and bursting into tears. You feel like you've done everything you could in this relationship, and somehow you don't feel like too much of an idiot. Expressing your feelings to someone you love is not a bad thing. And the one thing you know for sure is that when you do express your love for a boy, you definitely expect it to be a good thing. Actually, more like a great thing. But none of these Post-Mortem realizations are all that surprising. What you find to be completely shocking today is that you're not really all that sad. At all. And shouldn’t you be? After all, you told the damn guy you loved him and then he let you walk away. Could you have possibly made a mistake? Well, obviously you were wrong for falling in love with Blonde Beard in the first place, but is it possible that you were never actually in love with him at all?
You remember your first break-up with your first love. You cried for weeks. An entire summer, in fact. And after you broke up with your second love you remember breaking into sudden tears almost daily in the shower, where nobody, not even you, could see your tears even though they were undeniably present on a daily basis. And the third boy you’ve ever said, “I love you” to is Blonde Beard. Shouldn’t you feel worse? Shouldn’t you be crying? After years of being single in Manhattan, is it possible that you’ve gotten too old and jaded to properly experience love and heartbreak? Your existential angst actually pulls you out of bed and keeps you busy sifting through your innermost superficiality for some hint of denied sorrow as you make yourself some (actually rather delicious) scrambled eggs and hop in the shower and sing along the poppy new British Import you bought on eBay, Now That’s What I Call Music 69, specifically to some song called Be Mine! by Robyn, “But you never were, and you never will be mine!” And, get this, even though the silly song makes you instantly think of Blonde Beard, it actually puts you in an even better mood.
So after getting dressed you decide exactly what you are going to do today. You are going to finish making that ridiculously romantic Shutterfly photo book that documents all of the dates you went on with Blonde Beard. And you’re not doing it to be spiteful. Well, you don’t think you are. Anyway. Instead of considering it as a birthday present, you decide that now it will work much better as a Lovely Parting Gift. So the Martha in you hobbles her Hurtful Hernia over to the restaurant that you took Blonde Beard to last night for his birthday dinner. Originally you had wanted to get the waitress to take a photo of the two of you for the last page in the book, but after Blonde Beard poo-poo’d that you decide that you still want to document your Last Supper with Blonde Beard which, ironically, took place at Supper.
And then you go home and spend the day in front of your computer, uploading photos, cropping them, putting them in chronological order, while you wait for Blonde Beard not to call. You title it “Forty Dates With a Thirty-Nine Year Old.” And you end it with a simple, “Happy 40th, xoxo You!” because the x’s and o’s seem to represent the way you feel now much better than the word “love” does. When you finish you actually feel kind of relieved that it’s over. You no longer have to live in fear of Blonde Beard finding out about your Blah-Blah-Blog. You don’t have to worry about him hating you for writing about your relationship and publishing it on the internet. The fact that he doesn’t love you seems somehow preferable to him finding out and hating your Gay Fat guts. And that’s when it hits you. It’s not that you’re too old to experience love and heartbreak, perhaps you’re just too scared to experience it publicly. Anyway...
Monday, April 21, 2008
You’re Not the Type of Fag Who Cries Himself to Sleep...
Posted by
11:57 PM
Your Labels: Barrage, Blah-Blah-Blog, Blonde Beard, Hurtful Hernia, Supper, The Ex, The Ritz
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Well, sweetie, I'm glad you're okay! I lovelovelove ya and I know you're going on to better things than BB. And I think the Forty Dates book is ah-mazing and by far the best Parting Gift I've ever heard of. It's beautiful! Hope your hernia and your heart are feeling better!
Glad your doing okay, and you have a good perspective on things. great post and I like the picture book.
Wow, you actually finished the photo album. Good closure!
There are alot of restaurants that are getting exposure through this blog (more than a few that I've never heard of). They should be offering you free meals to mention their names.
Interesting epiphany. But too scared to experience love and heartbreak publicly? I doubt it. Maybe it has more to do with failure to come out of the blogger closet? After all, BB has proved fabulous anonymous fodder.
Wishing you more than 39 dates...
Meanwhile, if I came out of the blogger closet then I'd have ZERO dates and ZERO anonymous fodder!
And yes, I guess I got a bit over the top in that post. But give me a break! I just got dumped on a subway platform!
xoxo You!
That was such an artistic album. Some of those seemed like shots you'd see in a "where to eat" magazine. He better love it.
"...too scared to experience it publicly." I disagree. I think that your maturity is showing you that although a break-up is painful, its not the end of your world as you used to think before you were mature.
I LOVE the fact that you finished the photo albumn. Its good closure and your giving it to him anyway (despite the break-up) will show him what a quality person you are, unlike the bitchy judgemental queens he's bound to date and spread himself too thin with in the future.
Now... how and when will you give it to him??? Inquiring minds want to know!
Mark :-)
From what I gather from your posts, it just seems like You and BB were just in different places in your lives. I like the scrapbook because it helps celebrate some good tims that you had, some inner exploration, and your heart awakening after a few other tries at love.
And for what it is worth, having never met either of you, I also think BB was holding back a little too much compared to the level of openness You seem to surround yourself with...so I'd say enjoy the memories, keep listening to fun music, put yourself out there and enjoy each day.
I wish I had something witty to say, like Jesse Archer. But alas all I can do is offer you some ihugs from one NYC gay guy to another. It's tough out there and we don't make it easier for each other so we all could give each other some breaks from time to time.
You know - I think the birthday gift of photos was a romantic gift that any man would be lucky to get. Why can I not find someone who will give me a gift that doesn't cost a lot of money because they think I need another piece of Prada?
People don't understand "sentiment" anymore. I wish they did. Around here if you give a gift "of love" to someone they think you're being cheap. Everything has to be Mr. Chow's followed up by some cupcakes from Sprinkles (okay, I'm guilty of that one too) and a gift of sufficient value on top of it. Makes me ill.
loved the album. you seem to be doing better. so, good luck chuck! :)
Jeeeezuz, you're a good writer!
Glad to read that you're doing okay.
I'm glad you're doing well. I think the reason you're feeling good isn't because you didn't love him, but because you can't have any regrets considering how openly you expressed yourself.
Someone needs to put that breakup scene in a movie. Good luck buddy and I'll keep reading!
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