..."but you have to get up at five o'clock in the morning and sparkle, Neely, sparkle!" Well, maybe not 5am, but definitely 5pm. Usually. Regardless, you've been absolutely loving your Oxycodone that Dr. Mary-Ann-Not-Ginger prescribed you after your Laparascopic Surgery to repair your Hurtful Hernia. Usually you're way too Anal Retentive (literally) to be a fan of pain killers and their constant constipating side effects, but, since your balls have become so insanely large and excruciatingly painful (your scrotum feels like it's doing double duty as a Bowling Bag), you've been popping the painkillers as if they were Wint-O-Green flavored Tic-Tacs. Even though your Generic Percocet Dolls make you a little loopy sometimes (mostly since you take them on an empty stomach for some extra medicated umph, not to mention the fact that you are so beyond Gay Fat mere weeks before Fire Island Season begins...), but luckily, even though you feel a bit wonky, you still have your priorities set (for lack of a better word) straight, so you cram into your loosest pair of Fat Jeans and head uptown to Therapy for Gay Cocktails with the Ski Fags for their end of the season party.
When you get off the E train at 50th Street you receive a text and wonder, perhaps, if Hell Hath Frozen Over, because somehow your BFF has beaten you to the party. And he's on Gay Standard Time. In the Los Angeles time zone no less. So you pick up your limping pace and when you walk into the bar you instantly focus on the grim look on your BFF's face which is confusing, until you notice that he is chatting with two non-Ski Fags. With two of your friends actually. Half-Share (who recently upgraded to a Full-Share in the Pines, only in a less glamorous house) and also Jet Blew. More specifically, these are two of your friends that your BFF has already slept with. You chuckle about the awkward situation to yourself, but since you are feeling no pain (killer) you are also feeling no sympathy (buzz killer). Time for a Gay Cocktail! Or four.You joke with Jet Blew that he absolutely has to move into your new building (assuming the mortgage gods smile upon you and overlook your bad credit) so you both can have some Melrose Place drama. Of course, you will play Heather Locklear's character, Amanda, and quickly sleep your way to the top of the Co-Op Board, where, once you become President, you will amend the no-pet policy to include a ban on children. And you will redecorate. Everything. And you'll replace the muzak in the elevator with a constant loop of Rihanna, Kelly Clarkson and Madonna. Okay, maybe Britney, too. Her Blackout album is growing on you. Meanwhile, after a few cocktails you realize that your Blackout is growing on you, too. Whereas four Stoli O's would barley cause your kidneys to hiccup, tonight you are feeling like a Hot Tranny Mess. Sort of like Judy Garland's and Liza Minelli's incestuous love child. So, of course, you make the executive decision to order another cocktail. However, since Happy Hour is over, your cheap ass orders the generic house Vodka.
At the bar you run into your Irish friend, Guinness, who seems to be competing for the world's record of Most Overly Educated While Intoxicated (you still don't understand why he wants to be friends with your illiterate ass...) That's when Guinness suddenly introduces you to the most shockingly handsome foreign boy that you've seen at least since you got off the subway, and the two of you immediately start slurring about something extremely gay and fashion-ating. The Portugese Brazilian is amazingly well built and you try to imagine him in a Speedo on Ipanema Beach until he starts talking about how he's about to relocate to London where, somehow, he'll be closer to his family? Now geography is definitely not your thing, but even after all the pills and booze you are pretty sure that London is not closer to Rio de Janeiro than New York? But you just shrug and sip on your Gay Cocktail while attempting to look pretty. The Brazilian from Portugal (?) fills in your lacking end of the conversation with some non-sequitur how it is impossible for men to have a monogamous relationship, and then, in the same sentence, he informs you about his boyfriend. You vehemently disagree that monogamy is impossible for anyone but him, until he changes the subject and starts telling you about how he really, really wants to have a kid. He even hired a surrogate who ultimately ended up being barren (which strikes you as a very interesting and lucrative career choice). You're about to offer your womb for hire when the Portuguese Brazilian from London hands you his business card and then excuses himself for the bathroom. You attempt to focus on his complicated job title, but it must be too dark in the bar (or something) because it's much too difficult to read. Anyway.
That's when you become aware of a hand *gasp* grasping your Gay Fat mid-section! Which happens to be dreadfully close to your bandaged surgical incision! You instinctively recoil (without, thank God, spilling your precious, Full-Priced, Non-Happy Hour Gay Cocktail). The hand turns out to belong to one of the more Advanced Ski Fags (who you made advances on at the last Ski Fag Party). You skied together in France, and you know he was confused about why your advances stopped, but you thought it was too complicated to explain the whole Blonde Beard situation. He never asked, and you never offered. Advanced Ski Fag smiles a quick hello and then quickly disappears into the crowd of drunken moguls. Other than your BFF, Advanced Ski Fag was really the only boy who you enjoyed on the trip and you are truly excited to see him. Suddenly you have the drunken need to explain the Blonde Beard situation and tell the Advanced Ski Fag about why your sexual advances made such a hasty retreat. So you chase him through the powdered noses sprinkled throughout the crowded bar and luckily catch up to him before he makes his way down the Black Diamond trail which the Bravest Ski Fags refer to as, "The Therapy Stairway."
Anyway. You catch up to Advanced Ski Fag and stop him before he begins his treacherous descent, and you say, "Hey!" while flashing him your dimples in a rather revealing, slightly inappropriate way. He smiles back and it instantly becomes clear that if you weren't seeing Blonde Beard, then you would definitely be making more Advances on Advanced Ski Fag. That's when you reveal, "I was hoping I'd get to see you tonight! I can't believe it's already been two months since we were skiing in France." The Advanced Ski Fag looks at you, puzzled, and says, "What are you talking about?" which is, needless to say, weird. Although it is obvious that some sort of social avalanche has begun, for some reason you continue your Mary Ol' way down the slippery slope. You say, "Yeah, you were the one guy that I really enjoyed hanging out with on the trip." And that's when the Advanced Ski Fag says, "I never went on that trip. Who do you think I am?" You look long and hard as the boy in front of you explains that he is actually Bar Boy who you actually dated a few times last December. The last time you saw him he was so drunk that you ended up walking him home and left him half naked on his bed because, let's face it, he was too drunk to care and it was just much too much work to get his jeans off. My how the tables have turned...You stare at Bar Boy for a long time before he asks, "Are you okay?" And then you explain that you've just had surgery and probably shouldn't be mixing your Generic Pain Dolls with Generic House Vodka. But you keep looking at him because, even though you know he is actually Bar Boy, he still looks like the Advanced Ski Fag to you. You excuse yourself and look around to find your BFF so you can make him take you home, only when you turn around you see another Ski Fag who you met on your trip to France. Somehow you muster up a "Hello" through your immense embarrassment, and then you say, "How's your dog?" And that's when this particular Ski Fag hits you. In the stomach. On your belly button. Exactly where you just had surgery. You instantly double over in pain as this Ski Fag reminds you that you have mistaken him for his Chamonix roommate.
You decide that you have obviously long ago turned into a pumpkin, and now, Cinderfella, you have actually begun to ferment. So you ease your way down the Black Diamond rated Stairwell and you glance around the downstairs bar for a nanosecond, mostly so you can claim that you looked all over the bar to say goodbye to your BFF, but that's when the Portuguese Brazilian from London walks over to you with a fresh cocktail. "Leaving already?" You are terrified that you might actually be mistaking his identity too, so You explain that you had much too much to drink and that it doesn't seem to be agreeing with that handful of pain killers you took earlier today. That's when the Portuguese Brazilian from London actually starts to quote Valley of the Dolls, "Broadway doesn't go for booze and dope. Now get out of my way, I've got a man waiting for me." And then he reaches over and gives you a kiss which you find yourself readily accepting, yet ultimately wishing that you hadn't. Because, even though things have been getting a bit odd, you are seeing Blonde Beard. On your way back to the subway you find yourself feeling so immensely guilty about the kiss that you are so immensely happy that you're going to black out this entire evening. Anyway...
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
You're Not One of Those Valley of The Dolls Fags...
Posted by
11:39 PM
Your Labels: Advanced Ski Fag, Bar Boy, Blonde Beard, Gay Cocktails, Guinness, Half-Share, Jet Blew, Mary-Ann-Not-Ginger, Portugese Brazilian From London, Ski Fags, Therapy
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Oh, honey, I love you, but... really? Mixing pain killers and booze? Isn't that a little Amy Winehouse? In a not so flattering way? And don't worry about the kiss--he started it. Just keep repeating that: "He started it."
Hope you're feeling better, lay off the hard liquor till you're done with the pills, for your poor liver's sake...
<3 the fab1
PS: That Ski Fag's a cunt. What type of fag throws a punch to the gut anyway? We bitch slap. Jesus.
Oh my... dolls and booze? Have You learned nothing from Neeley?
Seriously friend, pain killers and alcohol can be deadly. Just ask Judy. Oh wait, you can't. She's dead.
Loving the way You write,
Mark :-)
My remedy for the case of mistaken identities? Everyone is "sweetie"---if you think you know em, if you don't know if you know em, if you are sure you don't know em...to every last one of them it's "hey sweetie!" Saves a LOT of heartache and hurt feelings.
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