...but you are definitely blindsided as you're walking down 14th Street with Blonde Beard and notice a Blind Man with a terrifying Old Testament Ash Wednesday cross scrawled across his forehead. The visually impaired Religious Zealot's cane is whipping its way toward your knees until your valiant Blonde Beard yanks you of harm's way. The two of you share an uncomfortable giggle, but your giggles quickly turn into hysterics when you actually see another cane carrying Blind Man (this heathen, thankfully, has an ashless forehead) and he's headed directly into the Religious Zealot's path. You both stop in your tracks to witness the impromptu Seinfeld Street Theater moment unfold as the two canes begin to whack each other with absolute confusion. The two Blind Men tap-tap-tap their canes at each other as Blonde Beard asks, "What do you think the odds of that happening are?"
While you were in Florida you and Blonde Beard had a virtual Text-a-palooza which was super flirty and fun, however, at one point it did get a bit weird. During one of your midnight Text-fests, you were actually multi-tasking while chatting online with your Ex-Cousin-In-Law. She, of course, was asking you all about Blonde Beard. You quickly realized that you could easily send her his Match.com profile link so that she could drool over his photos. Not to mention the fact that it would be nice to see his smiling mug while you were so far away from anything remotely gay. Only when you sign onto Match you see that Blonde Beard's profile announces proudly, "Online Now! IM me!" So you do. You decide to keep it short and simple and write, "Ho," which probably comes off a bit rude, but you're less than thrilled to learn that Blonde Beard is scouring the Internet for dates instead of pining away for your gay ass to return with it's new-and-improved tan lines. It's an odd situation, because it's not like you are officially seeing each other. You're still dating other people, so of course he's allowed to also. You just don't want to know about it. Yet now you do. Ugh.
Regardless, you were very excited to come back and see Blonde Beard, but since you are both busy gay boys (you with your endless social life, and Blonde Beard with his pesky job and irritatingly selfish night-school classes), and the only overlap in your schedules was on Wednesday. Unfortunately you have had long standing plans with the Boy Luck Club, but you just have to see Blonde Beard so you both decide to meet for a quickie before meeting your gay posse at Food Bar.After the Blind Kneading the Blind incident, the two of you horny boys rush back to Blonde Beard's place and waste no time getting busy. Luckily his Jealous Roommate is nowhere to be found, so there are no restrictions regarding noise level. You, of course, sniff him from head-to-toe to see if there's any kind of Mothball odor, and there's not. Well, not really. There is kind of this odd musty smell which seems to emanate strictly from his beard and you begin to wonder if perhaps that was what you were assumed was the Mothball odor? You wonder what products he uses to wash that hairy thing because it kind of smells like Old Man. And Old Man Smell can easily be confused with Mothball Smell because oftentimes the two scents are unfortunately combined. But you don't waste much time wondering about this because you are quickly distracted by other hairy parts of Blonde Beard's beautiful body.
After an intensely satisfying sexual experience, you definitely notice a bizarre distance again. While you'd rather cuddle and discuss the various towns where you two should buy your imaginary beach house, you are definitely aware that Blonde Beard seems preoccupied with counting the moments until your imminent departure. It's weird because he is so emotionally available to you until he gets off, and then he's Mr. Wham-Bam-Thank-You-Sam. Is it because he needs his crack fix? Anyway. Since you are a sweaty smelly mess you ask if it'd be okay to jump in the shower, and that's where your ulterior motive exposes itself as you begin to sniff through all of Blonde Beard's fancy grooming products for something that smells like Mothballs or Old Man. But nothing does. Afterward, you share an awkward, slightly distant goodbye yet definitely make plans to see each other on Saturday night (which is always a good sign since he could've easily offered you a much lamer night of the week), then you rush over to Food Bar to meet the B.L.C.Upon your arrival you are shocked when everybody seems to instantly know that you have been freshly laid. "How on earth?" you ask as you inspect your sweater for a Monica Lewinsky-esque cum stain. "Oh please," they say. "Your hair is still wet." You, of course, protest, "I could've been coming from the gym!" but your Cheshire Cat grin does nothing to back up your lies. The B.L.C. quickly begins their By-The-Book Interrogation and you start giving all the glowing details about Blonde Beard. You tell them how you met on Match.com yadda-yadda-yadda, yet you decide to leave out the details about the fact that he may or may not be a Crackhead. Somehow you worry that this information might come back to haunt you if this relationship actually goes somewhere. Your friend Half-Share (whose actually upgraded to a Full Share next summer, yet in a less glamorous house in The Pines) begins to ask you about Blonde Beard since he's also doing the Match.com thing and is just as irritated and jaded about it as you are. Only when you tell him Blonde Beard's screenname, Half-Share's face instantly drops in shock. This, of course, convinces you that Blonde Beard is indeed a Crackhead, until Full-Share informs you that he was just chatting with your man on Match.com. And get this, it was recently. You are completely blindsided as the B.L.C. gives a collective giggle to your latest dating foible. That's when you find yourself wondering, "What do you think the odds of that happening are?" Anyway.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
You're Not One of Those Fags Who Walks Into Things Blindly...
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6:50 PM
Your Labels: Blonde Beard, Boy Luck Club, Ex-Cousin-In-Law, Food Bar, Half-Share, Jealous Roommate, Match.com
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Never fails!
Carrie Bradshaw ain't got shit on you. Sometimes, I think you give her sex life a run for her money. Definitely mine, anyway. THAT being said... I adore your blog. This could be a hit tv show. Anyway... I want to know about the Thursday date with London Lush!!! :)
Carrie Bradshaw? Honey, you give Samantha's sex life a run for her money!
Had to reschedule the London Lush so you'll have to wait to see where that one goes...
And thanks for the hit tv show compliment! My only question is, who would we get to play You? ;-)
Haha. Well, Samantha maybe. I was trying to be nice! ;)
As for this London Lush business... double-u tee eff. I was looking forward to this, You! I had popcorn and ice cream ready for the moment that I clicked on your blog to read about this date! :)
As for who would play you... Well, I've actually tried to give some thought to this. If your profile picture is actually You, even through it's intentional blurriness, your features are quite striking. ANYWAY! I would have to go with Neil Patrick Harris. Now, before you go all gay crazy on me, hear me out. He's funny, gay, pretty sexy, and we all know that Doogie Howswer needs a career resurgance, a la Terri Snatcher in Desperate Housewives. Qu'est-ce que tu penses? ;)
Ooh la la! L'anonymous parle français! Mon dieu!
Meanwhile, don't be getting your panties in a knot since You're busy trying to reschedule with the London Lush... You totally forgot you had a cocktail party that evening, and as all good alcoholics know, cocktails always trump boys. Even boys with cute accents.
Also, Anonymous needs to put down his crack pipe and pull out that rusty needle from his arm if he thinks You'd be happy being portrayed by Doogie Howser! How about one of those more openly gay celebs like Ryan Seacrest or Wentworth Miller? ;-)
Oui, l'anonymous parle francais! ;) Alors...
I wasn't getting my panties in a twist! But I understand now. Cocktails do indeed trump boys. But cocktails AND boys are always better! :)
And excuse me, my name is not Blonde Beard, and I do not own a crack pipe! Nor a heroin needle. Doogie is out; he's photographed out and about with his boyfriend all the time. But if you'd rather have someone like Ryan Seacrest play you, I think you are beyond my help. :)
Hey Anon, you're sorry you got a little cranky yesterday, but after *gasp* staying in on a Friday night you are feeling much better and actually reconsidering this whole Doogie business... For sure it's unconventional casting, but actually, it just might work. Have his people contact your people so we can begin the negotiations...
Meanwhile, you were just kidding about Ryan Seacrest, although you did used to work out at the same gym with him in LA and he is very cute in person. Not as cute as you though ;-)
Oh, goodness... you know just the right words to say to me :)
Sure, it's unconventional casting, but how do you think Candace Bushnell reacted when she learned that My Little Pony Parker from Square Pegs was going to be playing her, the central character, in a new television series based on her book. I bet her head turned a full 360 degrees and she spit up pea soup. However, look how good that show turned out for all of them! That could be you! AND Doogie! :) Just remember: when you make it big, don't forget me, the person who suggested the crazy Doogie idea :)
And no, Ryan Seacrest could never be as cute as you.
What is this Square Pegs thing you speak of? You are much, much too young to remember skinny little Sarah Jessica Parker and her fat friend Amy Linker's tweenage shenanigans during their Fast (yet short-lived) Times at Weemawee High...
How do you know I'm much too young to remember that? For all you know, I could be older than you! ;)
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