...but alcohol is a different story. So when Rice Queen #2 offers you a sip from a pint of his Knob Creek on the train to Fire Guyland, you graciously accept. You are really all fucked up over your recent Blonde Beard sighting and can't help running through your unexpected reunion with a fine-toothed beard trimmer. And you think you've narrowed down his adverse reaction into two distinct, yet very different scenarios. Your first theory is that the man hates you. As in detests. After all, he couldn't wait to get away from you, nor could he bear even the most minimal of conversations. This leaves you wondering whether Blonde Beard found out about your Blah-Blah-Blog? And if this is the case then you can't change that because you have no control over it. Although you'd feel terrible if he hates you, what's done is done and you're not going to change his mind about you.
On the other hand, Blonde Beard's bizarre reaction might quite simply be just that; bizarre. After all, he was freakishly awkward in social situations. You experienced that uncomfortable side of him first hand after dragging him to a party at your Gal Pal's. And if he was merely just so scared by the shadow of a past relationship, then his unpleasant reaction was all about him, not you. At least you tried to be nice. Fuck that! You were nice! You were actually happy to see him! Whatever. You're over it. Even though you're not. But you will be. And with that you take another healthy, warm gulp of Knob Creek.It's pouring when the Fairy Ferry finally arrives, so you and the rest of the Kinsey 8 race to the house and, surprise-surprise, start making cocktails. You skip Low Tea because of the inclement weather, but definitely make it to High Tea. After that it's all a bit hazy, but you have vague memories of dinner that may have or may not have been followed by a strip show. Starring you. Regardless, you'll surely be able to trace back your drunken steps soon enough in the form of unfortunate Facebook tags.
The next day is nice enough for both you and your hangover to lie out on the beach. However, the big excitement of the day (perhaps the month? Make that the year!) happens at Low Tea. You wander in with your Kinsey 8 housemates and begin an immediate Fruit Loop when who do you spy with your little eye? None other than your Internet Crush! He's standing right there, ten feet from you, all alone, with a drink in his hand (of course)! Although you now share a writing gig with him and have been working together all summer, you've never actually met in the flesh. And for some unknown, alcohol-fueled reason, you decide to out yourself. So you just stand there. And stare. Kind of similar to when you guilted Blonde Beard into grunting a few lame words at you on the sidewalk earlier this week. But unlike Blonde Beard, your Internet Crush does not try to skulk away when he catches his stalker's eye. It takes him a minute, but eventually he puts it together and the two of you giggle like a gaggle of girls.You have a lot of fun talking in person and when you notice that both of your drinks are empty you offer to go get refills. It doesn't take much arm-twisting, and, of course, Ms. Four Letter Word wants a Thirteen Letter Drink, which happens to be the most expensive drink on the Island. But you are more than happy to aid and abet his drunk and disorderliness with a Planters Punch. However the bar line is endless and it takes you a while before you return with the cocktails. Only your Internet Crush is nowhere to be found. Somehow, even though you are double-fisted, you are able to text him without spilling a drop and the two of you ping back and forth trying to find each other, until, eventually, you just give up and finish both cocktails. Which, of course, is a big mistake.
Both High Tea and dinner are both blurs, as is Slip N' Hurl. But apparently the night ends up with you psychoanalyzing your friend Half-Share during a lovely midnight stroll into the Meatrack. You're starving so you make a pit-stop at Half-Share's house and pick up a delicious family sized bag of Tostitos - Hint O' Lime. You're ravenous and can't bear to part with the tasty tortillas, so you end up dragging the bag into the Meatrack with you. You munch your way through the moonlit woods as you pass by men munching on 'mo mussy. You are as fascinated as you are hungry, and the two of your meander down dark paths, passing half-naked men who appear out of nowhere and then slither by. It's so dark that you can't make out any faces, but even though you're as drunk as a skunk, even though your beer goggles are on tight, nobody looks all that pretty.
At one point, you and Half-Share wander up a path and stumble upon a whole group of boys who are wide-eyed witnesses to a public blow-job. You, of course, plop yourself down as if you're at the local drive in and dig deep into your crinkly bag for a big handful of Hint O' Lime. You're busy chewing your tortilla chip cud when the guy who's getting blown turns to the impromptu crowd and looks right at you when he says, "Honestly, I really can’t do this with an audience." You stop chewing the copious amount of chips that you've shoved in your mouth, roll up your half eaten bag, and slink away with Half-Share as you giggle your way out of the Meatrack. Anyway...
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
You're Not One of Those Fags Who Swallows His Problems With Copious Amounts of Food...
Posted by
5:29 PM
Your Labels: Blonde Beard, Fire Guyland, Half-Share, High Tea, Kinsey 8, Low Tea, Meatrack, Rice Queen #2, Sip N' Twirl
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Hot strip tease pic! And you gotta love facebook tags.
"Honestly, I really can’t do this with an audience."
Who can't do it with an audience?!? Especially if they're in a public place!!! Just sayin'
2 confessions:
1) I can't spell cosmopolitan (thank you, dictionary.com) to save my life
2) It took me a good minute and a half to realize that cosmopolitan has 12 letters, not 13. Then I read the next sentence.
Wait, is that You in the picture? If so, you're not allowed to use the term 'gay fat' until you stop doing your sit ups in the fall! And why are there no dollar bills in Your designer drawers? I would have been laughing and tagging facebook photos, but I would have at least tipped.
BB: 'Tis I. I have been on a diet in anticipation of a big bday. I'd also like to thank Rice Queen for being such a great photo(shop)grapher!
Meanwhile, I'm still a bit behind, and have gotten a bit more Gay Fat since that night... Ugh.
Regarding that picture: "I have one thing to say: You. Betta. Work!"
Regarding "more Gay Fat since that night": same quote, just add "out" at the end.
OK! Honestly! This is the best posting ever. I bursted laugh out multiple times.(it equals multiple orgasms) Maybe because I know Ms Four letter & You. Eating tortilla chip in meat rack is priceless! LOL. It is a classic!!!
BTW In that picture.You've got really hot body! Those legs!!! Yumm! Who knewww!!! I might post that in my random hottie section. No?:):)
Hey, that reminds me: you owe me a Planter's Punch!!
As for the photo---are you doing that for an audience? Hold on, lemme get a bag o chips.
Of course I'm doing it for an audience. What is the point of doing anything if there's not an audience? ;-)
YOU're hot!
Ah, so THAT'S how YOU and Ms Four Letter Word actually met. Love the Tostitos story!!!
Mark :-)
mother fuck, the screen is fucking up, any-ho
Jesse is ur crush? hmm I never would have guessed him, although awesome choice, Id def let him hit me every which way and sideways.
ok, the almost nude, yikes babeh, you needa shave, nice legs though lol
Note to self: NEVER go to Fire Island. But it sounds like YOU had a good time. From what you remember tee hee
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