...you're just a poor starving writer (who's hungry, yet needs to diet). Well, maybe you are a little cheap. Okay, okay already! A lot cheap. So when you're walking along 23rd Street on your way to meet Bald Boy to go see Iron Man, you quickly hold your phone up to your ear when you notice one of those irritating do-gooder suburban kids who is canvassing for "INSERT GOOD CAUSE HERE." Usually the mock-phone call is enough to deter these Post-Giuliani Sidewalk Solicitors (who are even more common than Pre-Giuliani Homeless People), but this Connecticut Kid ain't having it. He actually has the gall to interrupt your fake phone call! You feign annoyance as you ask your fake friend to hold on, and when the Connecticut Kid asks if you have a moment for "INSERT GOOD CAUSE HERE" you say, "Sorry, I'm my own favorite charity." But Connecticut Kid is persistent and when he starts yapping about how Children International could really use your financial support you actually find yourself saying, "Oh, fuck the children!" And although you are kidding (sort of), the Connecticut Kid is not at all amused. But you are late for your date so you just smile and say, "J/K" because you don't actually have the time nor the patience to say the words "Just Kidding."
You're only five minutes late but Bald Boy is standing outside the Chelsea Clearview and he looks kind of amazing. Even with his, ahem, shortcomings, he's really a fantastically attractive man and you were willing to give it another chance when he asked you out. Who knows? Maybe this time he'll make you laugh. You kiss hello and are kind of surprised when Bald Boy directs you to the ticket line because if you were the early one even your cheap ass would have picked up two tickets while you were waiting. And when Bald Boy finally gets up to the ticket window you quickly fumble through your wallet to hand him some money, but you're taken aback when Bald Boy says, "One please." It's just a bit weird. You begin to wonder if you're on a date or if you are now officially just friends? But you go ahead and buy yourself a ticket and head into the theater. Anyway.
Bald Boy orders popcorn and a soda, and since you're not having dinner until after the movie you realize that you should probably eat something, too. So when the Concession Stand Hoodlum holds up the next size popcorn and asks, "Would you like the larger size for fifty cents more?" you ask Bald Boy if he'd like to Supersize the popcorn and share it (even though there are other things about him that you'd rather Supersize). Bald Boy says sure, and then pulls out exactly half of the cash register's total (apparently you are subsidizing the cost of his soda, too?) and that's when you begin to count up all the properties that Bald Boy owns (1. Studio in the West Village, 2. Beach House in Ocean Grove, 3. Rental Property in Ocean Grove...) and suddenly it becomes very clear how he can afford all those mortgages.
The movie turns out to be fantastic and the popcorn hits the spot! You begin to wonder if maybe you were just a bit grouchy because you were so hungry? So you decide to give Bald Boy the benefit of the doubt and suddenly you think it might be nice to hold his hand. You put your arm up onto the shared armrest and not-so-accidentally brush your arm against his. Bald Boy obviously notices because he turns his head and looks right at you in the middle of the scene. You smile because you feel a bit silly, but you'd still like to get in some hand-holding before the movie ends. But Bald Boy literally just moves his arm away and digs back into the popcorn that you got stuck holding. You are left remembering how nice it was to go to the movies with Blonde Beard and how you would sink down into your seats and hold hands and rub shoulders from the previews to the closing credits. Sigh.
After the movie the temperature outside has dropped considerably and you're kind of happy because this has obviously prompted the Children's International Solicitor to go home to Greenwich where he can worry about the suburban children who are in dire need of a new Nanny to drive them from Piano to Karate. Since you're both starving, you decide to walk down Eighth Avenue to grab a quick bite at Vynl. You chat while waiting for your dinner and quickly become highly aware that you're the one doing all the talking. But Bald Boy is the one busy asking all the questions. Although you know you should be asking questions in return, you don't really have any great desire to do much probing. And that's exactly when you realize that you're really just not that into Bald Boy. It's not like you like to hear yourself talk, but it just seems easier to fill the void with your chatter than to come up with reasons to listen to his chatter.
When the check comes you, surprise-surprise, split the bill exactly down the middle. Then, since it's chilly, you head to the 14th Street Subway entrance and as you're about to descend into the A-C-E station, a confused Bald Boy asks you, "Aren't you going to take the F home?" You actually say, "Huh?" because as far as you were concerned this dud of a date was, at the very least, going to end with you getting laid. But you quickly cover yourself and say, "I can take the E and switch at West 4th," but then you go on to add in a frisky manner, "but I assumed I would come over to your place?" Bald Boy tells you that it's late and that he's really tired. This is ultimately extremely annoying because he's the one who picked the movie time as well as chose to eat afterwards. Hell, he's the one who asked you out in the first place! So when the train arrives at West 4th you say your goodbyes and, once again, you find yourself standing on the platform at the end of yet another relationship (if you can even call it that). Luckily this time you aren't crying uncontrollably while you wait for the F train to take you back to your Home Sweet Hovel so your cheap ass can jerk off to some free porn on Xtube. Anyway...
Monday, August 18, 2008
You're Not One of Those Cheap Fags...
Posted by
11:59 PM
Your Labels: Bald Boy, Blonde Beard, Chelsea Clearview, Vynl
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Are you for real?
The opening paragraph of your latest post (below) reveals such a shallow, loathsome, self-centered human being that it kind of only makes sense as a character, a creation. Do you really think it makes you look cool or funny? Or do you realize what a shit you are and you're punishing yourself by revealing it to the world?
P.S. You don't seem "poor" to me.
Oh, honey... you're not cheap. I stopped at a light to meet a boy for lunch the other day and the local firemen went window to window collecting money for... what I assume was them. (No, none of them were cute.) Considering the size of your checking account, you didn't wanna donate, which was why you made a surprised face and went "Oops, shit!" and hit the gas as soon as the light turned green. Chaaaarity, puh-lease.
Anyway, at least you tried one more time with that guy. That's good... or bad... and stop that ridiculous xtube business, I'm telling you, megarotic all the way. Much longer clips. Someone fit an entire hour-and-something long Brent Corrigan MOVIE on there...
That shit rocks my socks.
I'm glad you didn't feel the need to cry this time. Keep trying,
This, apparently, is William (via email)'s first time reading a blog, and much like Dana x (via email), doesn't quite understand the whole blog concept. Anyway.
I say cheap is good in the right places, but NEVER on a date. Cheap is fine when buying flip flops. Really, how long do you want them to last? Cheap is not fine when on a date.
But at least this Bald Boy situation seems to have left you with absolutely no doubt about whether or not you should continue dating him. Next!!!
Mark :-)
OK sex with a small-dick cheapo. Are you really missing much?
Wow, talk about a lame guy. Bald Boy turned out to be a dud. It almost seems like there are no guys left that are worth anything more than good sex. And even that can be questionable. And someone needs to help William get his panties untwisted...just sayin'.
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