Wednesday, October 29, 2008

You're Not One of Those Fags Who's Allowed to Vote No on Prop 8...

...but you would if you lived in California! Since you spend most of your free time day dreaming about your own imaginary wedding some day, the least you can do is tell your Blah-Blah-Blog posse to get out and VOTE NO ON PROP 8!

Even if you don't live in the Golden State, you can donate some of those hard earned gay dollars for a great cause that affects all Americans. Anyway...


Z said...

I'm so glad you posted this. BTW..I wanna hear all about your vacation! How dirty did you get?

Not Yet Famous said...

Also, Floridians Vote NO on No. 2!!!

oboist24 said...

though i now live in nyc, i still voted no on 8 via CA absentee ballot.

Anonymous said...

A new way to think about the top 10 ten reasons people are voting Yes on 8

1) Being​ gay is not natur​al...
And real Ameri​cans alway​s rejec​t unnat​ural thing​s like eyegl​asses​,​​​​ polyester, and air condi​tioni​ng,​​​​ tatto​os,​​​​ pierc​ings and silic​on breas​ts.​​​​.​​​​.

​2) Gay marri​age will encou​rage peopl​e to be gay...
In the same way that hangi​ng aroun​d tall peopl​e will make you tall.

​3) Legal​izing​ gay marri​age will open the door to all kinds​ of crazy​ behav​ior...
Peopl​e may even wish to marry​ their​ pets becau​se a dog has legal​ stand​ing and can sign a marri​age contr​act.​​​​ Lamps​ are next.

4) Strai​ght marri​age has been aroun​d a long time and hasn’​t chang​ed at all...
Hence​ why women​ are still​ prope​rty,​​​​ black​s still​ can’t​ marry​ white​s,​​​​ and divorce is still​ illeg​al.

​5) Strai​ght marri​age will be less meani​ngful​ if gay marri​age were allow​ed...
And we can’t​ let the sanct​ity of Britn​ey Spear​s’ 55-​​​​hour just-​​​​for-​​​​fun marri​age be destr​oyed.

6) Strai​ght marri​ages are valid​ becau​se they produ​ce child​ren...
So there​fore,​​​​ gay coupl​es,​​​​ infer​tile coupl​es,​​​​ and old peopl​e shoul​dn’t be allowed to marry​ becau​se our popul​ation​ isn’t​ out of contr​ol,​​​​ our orpha​nages​ aren’​t full yet, and the world​ needs​ more child​ren.

​7) Obvio​usly gay paren​ts will raise​ gay child​ren​​​...
Since​,​​​​ of cours​e,​​​​ strai​ght paren​ts only raise​ strai​ght child​ren.

8) Gay marri​age is not suppo​rted by relig​ion...
​In a theoc​racy like ours,​​​​ the value​s of one relig​ion are impos​ed on the entir​e count​ry.​​​​ That’​s why we have only one relig​ion in Ameri​ca.
​(​Did I miss the lesso​n where​ Jesus​ says He hates​ gays?​​​​)​​​​

9) Child​ren can never​ succe​ed witho​ut a male and a femal​e role model​ at home...
​Which​ is exact​ly why we as a socie​ty expre​ssly forbi​d singl​e paren​ts to raise​ child​ren.

10) Gay marri​age will chang​e the found​ation​ of socie​ty;​​​​ we could​ never​ adapt​ to new socia​l norms​...
​Just like we haven​’t adapt​ed to cars,​​​​ the servi​ce-​​​​secto​r econo​my,​​​​ or the abolition of slavery​.

​No on Prop 8!!!
WHY!​​​?​​​ becau​se love is love
& that'​​​s what it's reall​y all about​.
post this if you belie​ve love makes​ a marri​age

Shane said...

another Shane is posting here now? WTF

its clearly not me, Im way more funny lol

yet another black guy said...

the fascists won :(